Past Donors

Past Donors

Many, many thanks to all donors and volunteers and our community. We truly value your support and could not be sharing our vision with so many without your ongoing contributions!

A Kid’s Place
Abe’s Cocina
Aceq Restaurant
Andean Software
Edy and Charlie Anderson
Angel Fire Bike Park
Angel Fire Resort
Karina Armijo
Mark Austin
Art Baldonado and Kathleen Kirby
Bridget Barnhart
Germaine Bartlett-Graff
The Basist-Mandel Family
Dan Bauhs
Rose Blair Bauhs
Bavarian Lodge and Restaurant
Liana and Ezra Bayles
Emilie and Stephen Becker
Alana Benjamin and Tim Corner
Kathy Bennett
Ursula and Lawrence Berkowitz
Cynthia Billings
Black Diamond Espresso
Ann and Mickey Blake
Shawn Blakeslee
Blonde Bear Tavern
Boot Doctors
Blair Bouchier
Dawn Boulware
Box Canyon
Danny and Dana Brienza
Bob Brierley
Annie and Bill Brown
Markeeta Brown
Will Brown
Elisabeth Brownell
Brown Rice Internet
Greta Burke
Ken and Wanda Burkett
Bureau of Land Management
Buddah Punk Jewelry
Holly Burger
Scott Carlson
Collette Carr
Marilyn Cassily
Sean Cassily
Centinel Bank of Taos
Rick Chancellor
David and Judy Chase
Elliott Chase
Kathleen Church
Cid’s Food Market
The Closuit Family
Romy and Carl Colonius
Colorado League NICA
Elaine and Doug Connor
Susan Cooper
Copy Queen Taos
Linda Cosden
Lauren Cramer
Maggie Crane
Crossfit Taos
Crossroads Pizza
Bob and Lori Crouch
The Cudd Foundation
Brendan Curran
Dala Balm
Donna Dallas
Chris Dallas
Davina Daniel
Timothy Daniels
Mary Jane H. and Peter DaPuzzo
Peter d’Aquanni
Edith and Russell deBurlo
Robbie deBurlo
Barbara Demas
Sylvia Rains Dennis
Jen Steele and Mike Destabelle
Ted and Vanessa Dimond
Risa Draney
Mary Droste
Suzanne Duca and Ross Quigley
Kurt Edelbrock
Edelweiss Lodge and Spa
The Edidin Family
Susan Eichner
Elevation Coffee Taos
Chris Ellis
Michael Emerson and Kathy Naassan
Enchanted Forest XC Ski Area
Del Endres
Essential Massage
Bill Etchemendy
The Evans Rael Family
Mark Falzone
Avi Farber
FBN Industries
Donald Ferguson
Ferguson Family Foundation
Michael Fernandez
John Fiore
Mark Fiore
Mary Ann and Owen Fiore
Susie Fiore
Martha and Chris Flanders
Helen and Kent Forté
Macky Franklin
The Franklin Family
Hugh Friedman
Laurel and Orrie Friedman
Full Moon Development Company
Ken Gallard
Maria Garcia
Mary Beth Garcia
Bob and Linda Gaza
Gearing Up Bicycle Shop
Carter T. Geyer
Carl Gilmore
Geoff and Ellen Goins
Asia Golden
Bonnie Golden
Teresa Gomez
Justine and Andy Greif
The Gorge Bar and Grill
CJ Grace
The Gruber Family
Cathy and Allison Guynes
The Guiggio Family
Elisabeth Guillemin
Jim Haas
The Nanasi-Haas Family
Carrie Hall
Jason Hall
Joan Hallman
Sara Jean Hammel
Harbor Oaks Foundation
Bill and Linda Hardy
Helen Haskell
Gina Hawryluk
Ronna Haxby
Dennis Hedges
Richard Herold
Lucy and Dirk Herrman
Terry Herther and Eliza Collins
Mary Hockett
Linda Hodapp
Andrew Hoffman
Anna Holm
Richard Holmes
Hotel Edelweiss
Hotel St. Bernard
Sally Hummel
The Hunt Family
Peggy and Steve Immel
Terri Illingworth
In Memory of Bill Etchemendy
In Loving Memory of Grandpa Vince
In Loving Memory of Karen Krone
In Memory of Keri and Amy Wiard
Eric Jambon
June and Wayne Jameson
Ed Jaramillo and Amy Wyss
Jim Thompson Foundation
Amie and Al Johnson
Carmen Johnson
Birgit Juen
Rebecca and Michael Jusbasche
KE Fund
Kachina Medical
Susan Kammerdiener
Anne and Burton Kaplan
Bryce and Quinlan Kapsner
The Karmin Family
The Kast Family
Ed Kemon
Ken Price Studio
Katherine Kett
Tim Kilco-Peak Solar Designs
The Kleinheinz Family
Known World Guides
Rachel Kolman
Dinae Konechney
KSP Power Tools
KTAO Solar Radio
La Centra-Sumerlin Foundation
Lambert’s Restaurant
Tim Larsen
Tanya Laurer
John and Jennifer Law
Bill Lechtenberg
Eric Leonard
Roberta and Roger Lerman
Carrie Leven and Monte Doern
Hanna Levitz
Anna Rayne-Levi
Welcome Lindsey
D.A. Lomax
The Lora Company
Los Rios River Runners
Cliff Loucks
Dr. James Lubowitz
Kimberlee Ly
The Lynch Family
The Lyon Family
Tantra Maat
Margaret Mace
Al Machaud
Sandy and Alan Madison
Alan Maestas
Magee Build
Wendy May
Bernard Mayer
Jean Mayer
Neve McCutcheon
Marty Meltzer
Leone Merchant
Lesley Morgan
Metric Motors
The Moller Family
Rich and Nancy Montoya
Mary and Gene Mortimer
Tom McCampbell
Michael McCann
Terry and Bruce McClymond
Carlos McGarity
James McGuckin
The McNeil Ranch
Metric Motors
Mineslide Provisions
Mogul Medical
Susan and Oskar Moller
Mountain Khakis
Mountain Skills
Mudd N Flood
Jeff Muehlech
Jeff Muglesten
Shana Natelson
Natelson Law Firm
National Interscholastic Cycling Association-Colorado League
Melissa Naylor
Carol Neelley
Jude Negri
Greg Nelson
Never Summer
New Belgium Brewing
New Mexico ACLU
New Mexico Department of Game and Fish
New Mexico River Adventures
Northside at TSV
Northside Health and Fitness Center
Nu Garden
Austin O’Connor
Ojo Caliente Mineral Springs
The Old Blinking Light Restaurant
Susan O’Leary
Christophe Olson
The O’Reilly Family
Orlando’s and Station 360 
James and Nicola Ortiz
Lisa Pacheco
Shannon and Christopher Parker
Wilton Parker
Connie Parsons
Margaret Patterson
The Pattison Family Trust
Roger and Kerrie Pattison
Pearl Izumi
People’s Bank
Leslee Petersen
Timothy Q. Peterson
Doug Pickett
Randolph Pierce
Jane Pilger
Pit Viper Sunglasses
Pleasure Mountain Fund
Matt and Denise Poage
Joan Pond
PPC Solar
Premier Properties Vacation Rentals
Ken and Happy Price
Quail Ridge Taos
Leigh and Leslie Quirk
Jamie Radenbaugh
Cristina Ramirez
Barbara Ramming
Mary and Cael Ramming Chappell
In memory of John Ramming
Rick Raymond-Century 21 Success
Susan Raymond-Landscape Architects
Marcia Ready
Reed Family Foundation
Heather Riccardi
Jean Richards
Rick Richards
Howie Roemer
Lara Roopnarine
Chuck Rose and Jeannie Peters
Jay and Ethel Rose
Stephen Rose and Barbara Zaring
Kathy and Jeff Row
Joann Ruppert
Sarah Sanford
Sapphire Physical Therapy
Pat and Larry Sargent
Ana Savitski
The Scanlan Family
Ariel Schoen
Beau Schoen and Bonnie Golden
Schoen Construction
Sarah Schoen
Ted Schupbach
William Schurman
Karen and Scott Seitter
Maureen Sellars
Carl Shulman
Karen Sigel and H. Perl
Shadows Bar and Grill
accesso Siriusware
Skin Bliss
Anthony Skvarla
Morty Simon and Carol Oppenheimer
Darren Smith
Margie Smith
Sandy Snyder
Dr. Petra Snowden and Dieter Steinhoff
Sonja’s Skin Salon
Sol Luna Solar
Phil Sonne
Liana Sonne
Scarlet Southern
Specialized Bikes
Carol and Bud Spector
Charlotte Spinner and Nick Orlans
Clark Spoden
Wendy and Chris Stagg
Stay Tuned, Inc.
Heather Steele
Stefanie and Phillip Steinkraus
Peggy and Bill Stevens
Ann and Dave Stinchcomb
Jennifer Kelderman Stoner
Aleta Storch
Donna Storch
Gary Storch
Storyteller Translux Taos
James Stuart
Sunrise Spinners
Sustenance Taos
Andrea Szekeres
Taos Ale House
Taos Community Foundation
Taos Community Foundation – Community Leadership Fund
Taos Community Foundation – Youth in Philanthropy
Taos Cow
Taos Cyclery
Taos Cycle Club
Taos Land Trust
Taos Landscaping, Inc.
Taos Market
Taos Mesa Brewing
Taos Mountain Energy Bars
Taos Mountain Film Festival
Taos Mountain Outfitters
Taos Orthopaedic Institute
Taos Ski Valley Chamber of Commerce
Taos Ski Valley Charitable Fund
Taos Ski Valley Foundation
Taos Ski Valley, Inc.
Taos Smiles
Taos Snowshoe Adventures
Taos Sports Alliance
Taos Tennis
Taos Valley Honey
Taos Veterinary Clinic
Taos Video Works
Taos Youth Ballet
Cindy Taylor
Russell Taylor
Iris Thornton
Rodger Thornton
Thunderbird Lodge
Tim’s Stray Dog Cantina
Kelley and Ric Tredwin
Trips for Kids National
Connie and Nat Troy
Turner Foundation
Twirl Toy Store
Michelle and Tom Twitmyer
Brigit Tyson
U.S.D.A. Forest Service
van der Werff Fund
The Van Willigen Family
Vecino’s Pizza
Village of Taos Ski Valley
Michael Wagener
Virginia and Melvin Waldorf
Larissa and Dan Weinman
Neil Weintraub
The Whitney Family
Barb Wiard
Ted and Marcella Wiard
Tom Wiard and Emily Schneider
Carol Wildman
Bob Wilkinson
Willow Clinic
World Cup
The Wyss Foundation

If you are not on our list but feel that you should be, please forgive our error and notify us. Thank you!